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Blog Wednesday Wisdom: How do I create a better work culture? (Part 1)

Wednesday Wisdom: How do I create a better work culture? (Part 1)


Today's Wednesday. Wisdom is brought to you by Kyle Richardson, consultant to Agility for All. Do you have a question? Post it in the comments.

Today I want to answer the question, how do I create a better work culture? It's a two part answer. So this week, the first part is about compassion. If we really want people to experience joy and to flourish in the workplace, which is gonna create a more productive, healthy environment for everyone, we have to be able to see people compassionately, treat people compassionately, and that starts with self-compassion.

Without that, we can't forgive and heal from our own mistakes, and that means we, we find it incredibly difficult to forgive others and help them heal, move on and learn from whatever mistakes they make. We ha we know that failure is not necessarily a bad thing. It becomes a bad thing and an unhealthy thing when we don't learn from it, when we hide it, when we try and shy away from it.

Compassion allows you to be able to live with yourself and sit in failure and then do something more productive with it. So that's my first starting point, and it starts with you. It starts with self-compassion and that allows you to have more compassion for others.

And that is today's Wednesday Wisdom. Don't forget that if you have a question post it below. Tune in next week for our next segment.



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